Agello is...

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cultural events


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Pro Loco


vegan food preparation courses

the festival "Agello è"

... a small panoramic village located on a 1,200 foot elevation, commanding a spectacular view of the rolling hills south-east of Lake Trasimeno and the Apennine mountains beyond them.

... a hamlet of the town council of Magione, in the province of Perugia, in the beautiful region of Umbria, the green heart of Italy.

... the name, remembrance of the impossible love between Trasimeno, son of Meditteraneo, and the nymph Agilla.

... the tower which "can be seen from everywhere", with the ruins of it's castle, a testimony of it's history.

...a cultural lively village organizing a lot of events.

... also the name of the festival "Agello è"  with it's many musical and cultural events and it's unforgettable culinary specialites,  - running this year from 6th 'til 15th august