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vista di agello_dottori_1


town council of Magione - province of Perugia

417,5 meters above sea level - 1.700 habitants

useful numbers at Agello:

Banca (Unicredit) (banc and bancomat):

Via Agilla n° 44 -  tel. 075 6959007

Ufficio Postale (post office):

Via Agilla n° 1 -  tel. 075 695150

Farmacia Tiberi (pharmacy):

Via Vincioli n° 2 -  tel. 075 695162

Medici di base (general doctors):

Via Vincioli -  tel. 075 695320


In the "telecentro" in the medieval Sala Vincioli directly at the tower in the heart of Agello you

can connect yourself to the rest of the world: by internet, telephone and fax. There is also a photocopy machine.

business hours in summer: 16.00 - 19.00

business hours in winter:   15.30 - 18.30

Via del Castello, 6

tel. 075.5299384


commercial and artigianal activities at Agello:

Maceleria Prelati, Viale Trasimeno

Market Caporalini, Via dell'Aurora

Market Brizi Pia, Piazza S. Antonio

Market Bussolini, Montebuono

Cartoleria Marat Volga, Via Agilla

Bar La Sventola, Via Agilla

Bar Il Ristoro, Montebuono

Bar La Pergola, S.S. Pievaiola

Abbigliamento Mencacci, Via Cupa

Calzature Paccaduscio, Via S.P.Vincioli

Calzature Cesarini, Montebuono

Fiori Ferretti Vasco, accanto cimitero

AgelFerro di Pierluigi Pitarchini, lavorazione ferro artistico, Voc. Osteria S. Martino,

Ferramenta - Pitarchini, Roberto

here you can find almost everything (except food)
Via Agilla, 41
tel. +39 075 695103

Massimo Trippetti, autotrasporti, movimento terra, opere primarie di lottizzazione, legna da ardere,

Viale Trasimeno n° 2, Agello

tel. 075 695270, cell. 337 639771 o 349 3688385

Artigiano Edile, Gianluca Antognelli,

tel. 075 695766 o cell. 349 6663464

Tecnauto - Rete Autorizzata Renault
Voc. Osteria S.Martino - Agello
tel: 075 5299012
fax: 075 5299012

marble sculptures and paintings, Glenn Ball

Via del Castello, tel. +39 075 6959202



The blood donor section AVIS of Agello was grounde in 1976, actually it has about 150 blood donors and a well organized structure for eventualy cases of emergency

La Banda Musicale di Agello

The brass band of Agello, called "Società Filarmonica Agello" is an association grounded over hundred years ago (in 1880) with about actually 45 musicians, directed by Maestro Paolo Cincini. The band has had concerts all over Italy, but also in France, Austria, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and so on. They are in straight contact with other bands, f.e. in Castions (Udine), Prato allo Stelvio (Bolzano), Codigoro (Ferrara), Luino and Besozzo (Varese).